RPC Distributor

Online Distributor Application

Please make sure the payment for all F&B products has been already made in full to RPC official bank account and you have the PDF / JPG copy of the proof with you before proceed. You are required to attach the payment proof in order to complete the membership registration

Personal Details

Please select Title.
Please Enter Full Name.
Please Enter IC / Passport (Only numbers and alphabets).
Please Enter Date of Birth.
Please Select Gender.
Please select Nationality.
Please Enter Occupation.
Contact Details

Please Enter Home Address.
Please Enter City.
Please Enter State.
Please Enter Postcode.
Please Select Country.
Please Enter Mobile Phone No.
Please Enter Home Phone No.
Please Enter Office Phone No.
Please Enter Email.
Trading Details

Minimum trading amount is RM10000.

Please Select Category.
Please Enter Valid Amount.
Please Select Transfered Date.
Please Enter Profit Rate.
Please Enter Valid Rate.
Please Enter Profit Earned.
Please Enter Charity Contribution.
Please Enter Amount Payable.
Please Enter Valid Amount.
Transfer (Payment) Proof

Amount transfered must be same as trading amount. The file uploaded should be in PDF @ JPG @ PNG format only. Maximum file size should be 3MB

Please Payment Proof
Please Payment Proof
Please Payment Proof
Bank Details

For Monthly Profit Payment (Must be member's personal account)
Application will be rejected if bank account does not belong to the applicant

Please Select Bank.
Please Enter Account Name.
Please Enter IC / Passport / SSM.
Please Enter Account No.
Introducer & Beneficiary

Please Enter Introducer Name.
Please Enter Introducer IC / Passport without space and dash.
Please Enter Beneficiary Name.
Please Enter Beneficiary IC / Passport without space and dash.
Login Details

Please enter login password
Please confirm password.

Payments for all F&B products must be made to RETIREMENT PLANNERS & CONSULTANTS, MAYBANK ACCOUNT NO. 514356532438.

Introducer ID: